
Legal Services

Assistance for Survivors

The Ohio Domestic Violence Network has provided a legal assistance program since 2010 to provide legal services to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking who cannot be assisted through traditional legal aid programs. Using a panel of vetted attorneys from around Ohio working on a reduced fee basis, ODVN assists eligible survivors whose income is at or below 225% of the federal poverty level. Attorneys help with a wide range of legal needs including divorce, parenting time, protection orders, immigration, housing, employment, and other issues. Survivors are screened and referred in by trained advocates at a range of programs including domestic violence shelters and programs, anti-poverty organizations, rape crisis centers, and culturally specific programs around Ohio. ODVN also conducts outreach to serve marginalized survivors who are incarcerated, returning from prison, homeless and runaway youth, and low-income women of color. Our legal program is funded by a variety of private and public sources. ODVN’s legal program also assists incarcerated battered women through a variety of strategies including clemency, parole education, and Self Help Legal Manuals for women in prison. These efforts have been generously funded by the Ohio State Bar Foundation.

ODVN’s legal program also convenes a legal advocacy caucus for legal advocates and develops and provides materials and training on an ongoing basis to support the work of legal advocates. We also provide continuing legal education events for attorneys in Ohio.

To seek legal assistance, please contact your local domestic violence program or rape crisis center. 

Legal Caucus Meetings 2025

All caucus meetings are 9 to 10:30 a.m.

March 28—Justice in the Courtroom: Assisting Self-Represented Survivors Prepare for Court
May 30—Empowering Survivors: A Pathway to Professional Licensure Reinstatement
July 25—Navigating Marsy’s Law: Legal Protections for Survivors and the Advocate’s Role
September 26—Lessons from the Frontlines: Challenges and Triumphs in Legal Advocacy
November 14—Bridging the Gap: Effective Partnerships Between Advocates and Guardian ad Litems

Interested in Joining Our Legal Panel?

If you are an attorney and are interested in joining our legal panel, please complete this form.

Criminal Law Downloadable Resources

Domestic Violence is a Crime

To view the brochure, please select your language below.
Amharic • Arabic • Chinese • English • French • Hindi • Japanese • Russian • Somali • SwahiliVietnamese

What is a Protection Order?

To view the brochure, please select your language below.
Amharic • Arabic • Chinese • English • French • HindiJapanese • Russian • Somali • SwahiliVietnamese

Self-Help Manuals

To view a manual, please select your language below.

Get in touch. Get involved.

174 E Long Street #200 Columbus, OH 43215



For emergency assistance, use the "Get Help Now" button below for the number to your local domestic violence agency.