Caucuses and Task Forces
Addressing the ways in which domestic violence impacts different communities and groups of people.
One of the ways in which the Ohio Domestic Violence Network supports local member programs is through sponsoring task forces and caucuses that address the ways in which domestic violence impacts different communities and groups of people. Caucuses and task forces are made up of professionals, service providers, advocates, and community members who are interested in issues related to specific underserved populations. ODVN facilitates the Women of Color, Legal Advocacy Caucus, and Child Advocacy Caucus, as well as co-chairs the LGBTQIA+ Task Force of Ohio. Individuals working in the domestic violence movement have the opportunity to meet and discuss ways in which domestic violence impacts underserved and marginalized populations. If you are interested in learning more about or becoming involved with any of our caucuses or task forces please call our office at 614-781-9651.
Legal Advocacy Caucus
The Ohio Domestic Violence Network’s four Legal Advocacy Caucuses are the primary vehicle through which legal advocates from ODVN membership programs work together on a state-wide level. These caucuses provide a forum to develop goals and model policies to govern our work and to refine our understanding of the role of justice system advocacy. These caucuses will also provide training and technical assistance to their members and regularly includes court personnel, attorneys, and other experts in the work. All four of ODVN’s Legal Advocacy Caucuses are committed to developing the leadership skills of legal advocates.
The Ohio Domestic Violence Network’s Legal Advocacy Caucuses were established primarily for legal advocates to obtain training on issues regarding domestic violence and stalking, to discuss criminal and civil court advocacy issues, to obtain public policy updates that affect the laws in their counties or the entire state of Ohio, and to provide a networking platform as well.
The Process
Currently, there are four legal advocacy caucuses that represent Ohio regions: Northeast, Northwest, Southwest Central, and Southeast. The Ohio Domestic Violence Network continues to have bi-monthly or quarterly meetings for each of the caucuses. The leadership of the caucuses is shared by ODVN staff and the justice system advocates from membership programs. The caucuses make a concerted effort at sharing leadership between old and new advocates. These caucuses are always seeking to be consistently accountable to battered women. All caucuses are attentive both to process and product in an attempt to be inclusive, empowering, and diverse. In the work that justice systems advocates do, we ask that they consistently assess whether the legal and social systems are providing effective remedies for battered women and seek to change those systems which are not. This process of evaluation always looks at the work we have done with a critical eye whether we are enhancing law, public policy, procedure, or practice.
Caucus Membership Eligibility
Caucus membership is open to all domestic violence program legal advocates or other staff, volunteers, steering committee members, or allied professionals with an interest in affecting social change through justice system advocacy.
Goals and Objectives
- To educate the ODVN membership on laws and legal practices in the field of domestic violence
- To facilitate and monitor the implementation of domestic violence laws at local, state, and federal levels
- To respond to the needs of justice system advocacy concerns raised by domestic violence programs
- To respond to the needs of legal advocates for direction, support, and training information
- To assure that legal advocates in Ohio are skilled and knowledgeable in their work
- To build a network of skilled, informed legal advocates working collaboratively to assure excellence in injustice system advocacy throughout the state
Legal Caucus Dates 2025
- March 28—Justice in the Courtroom: Assisting Self-Represented Survivors Prepare for Court
- May 30—Empowering Survivors: A Pathway to Professional Licensure Reinstatement
- July 25—Navigating Marsy’s Law: Legal Protections for Survivors and the Advocate’s Role
- September 26—Topic To Be Announced
- November 14—Bridging the Gap: Effective Partnerships Between Advocates and Guardian ad Litems
Youth Advocacy Caucus
ODVNs Youth Advocacy Caucus is a collaboration of professionals dedicated to being a voice for children and teens impacted by exposure to a partner who abuses in an intimate relationship. We endeavor to honor children’s experiences of violence and support their rights by fostering public awareness, improving services, and advocating for social and political change.
For more information about youth caucus meeting dates and topics contact
Statement of Purpose
Caucuses are commonly formed by individuals speaking out on social issues that are traditionally underrepresented. In the Domestic Violence Movement children’s programming has often been made secondary, diminished in importance, and even ignored. As a result youth staff often feel isolated. The ODVN Child Advocacy Caucus was created in the spring of 2004 by domestic violence professionals from around the State of Ohio to address this disparity. We meet quarterly to discuss the unique issues of children living with violence, we work to educate ourselves and those outside of the domestic violence movement about how to best work with children and we provide opportunities for professional development.
Goals and Objectives
- Developing Best Practices for programs working with young people living in domestic violence;
- Provide Educational and Training opportunities for professionals specifically on youth issues;
- Addressing legislative issues impacting young people living in domestic violence, and
- Advocating for systems change where young people living in domestic violence are affected negatively or unfairly.
- All professionals working with children, such as teachers, social workers, and child protective service workers, are encouraged to join the caucus and help make a difference in the lives of young people.
Get in touch. Get involved.
174 E Long Street #200 Columbus, OH 43215