Online Prevention Toolkit
The Ohio Domestic Violence Network recognizes that Prevention is an emerging priority for forwarding changes that reduce and eliminate Intimate Partner Violence and all other forms of Family and Sexual Violence. We hope this Online Prevention Toolkit will serve as a central source of information for those working on the individual, organizational, statewide, and/or national levels.
Here you will find tip sheets on key concepts and practices that can increase the effectiveness and impact of prevention programming. Tip sheets are categorized into Prevention in Theory which addresses underlying concepts and Prevention in Practice which emphasizes the practical and application of those theories in the form of services, programs, and initiatives. Explore the links on the left of this page.
We have also included links to some of our favorite related web sites for additional learning. Select the Prevention Links option in the left-hand menu.
Of course, be sure to access our Online Resource Library and review suggested Family Violence Prevention titles in our Reading List. Click the ODVN Resource Center tab at the top of this page.
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174 E Long Street #200 Columbus, OH 43215