
How You Can Help

“There is no excuse for domestic violence. Everyone has to help end abuse. If we take responsibility and take action, each of us can help prevent domestic violence. There are many ways to get involved…”

(Adapted from National Resource Center’s DVAM Tips Tactics and Resources 2001).

What Each of Us Can Do

  • Make a charitable contribution to the Ohio Domestic Violence Network
  • Call the police if you see or hear evidence of domestic violence
  • Speak out publicly against domestic violence
  • Encourage your neighborhood watch or block watch association to become as concerned with watching out for domestic violence as with burglaries and other crime
  • Help others become informed by inviting speakers to your church, professional organizations, civic groups or workplace
  • Donate money, gas cards, time or clothing to a shelter or domestic violence program in your community
  • Post Domestic Violence awareness information in a public place.
    Speak with children and adolescents about relationship violence and healthy relationships
  • Have family discussions on domestic violence, dating violence, and healthy relationships
  • Rally public officials and community members to support domestic violence prevention efforts
  • During election time, cast your votes for candidates who have demonstrated genuine support for battered women and their children
  • Ask your local recreation center or library to create a bulletin board or designate an area where materials on domestic violence and healthy relationships can be displayed
  • Learn more about domestic violence by attending workshops or conferences centered on the issues of violence against women and children
  • Organize an offering collection at your church to donate to a local domestic violence program/shelter
  • Ask local businesses to distribute fliers or pamphlets on domestic violence awareness
  • Ask the local media to help share the importance of domestic violence prevention
  • Plan a fundraiser at your workplace to help support your local domestic violence program/shelter
  • Donate your old cell phones to survivors of domestic violence. Donations can be made at your local domestic violence program, at your local Verizon store, or to the Ohio Domestic Violence Network
ODVN is a member of Community Shares of Mid Ohio. You can also make a donation to ODVN through your workplace giving campaign. Please visit Community Shares of Mid Ohio for more details.

Get in touch. Get involved.

174 E Long Street #200 Columbus, OH 43215



For emergency assistance, use the "Get Help Now" button below for the number to your local domestic violence agency.