
Ohio College Campus Advocates and Preventionists

The Ohio Campus Coalition for Advocates and Preventionists (OCCAP) is a community of practice for advocates and preventionists working on college and university campuses across the state. Co-facilitated by the Ohio Domestic Violence Network and OAESV, OCCAP meets quarterly for training and networking sessions.

Open to college/university-employed staff, nonprofit-employed staff, and volunteers who work directly with survivors and/or violence prevention programming on college/university campuses. To register to attend our next meeting, visit our calendar.

For additional information, navigate to Ohio Alliance to End Domestic Violence’s website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click below to few some questions that we get regarding OCCAP.

What is the Ohio Campus Coalition for Advocates and Preventionists (OCCAP)?

OCCAP is a community of practice for advocates and preventionists working on college and university campuses across the state of Ohio. Meetings are facilitated by staff at the Ohio Domestic Violence Network and Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence.

What is a Community of Practice?

A community of practice is made up of a group of people who share a set of common problems, goals, and values who come together to develop solutions.

Who should attend OCCAP meetings?

Open to college/university-employed staff, nonprofit-employed staff, and volunteers who work directly with survivors and/or violence prevention programming on college/university campuses. Management staff and Title IX directors should not attend in most circumstances.

I hold a leadership/executive position at a domestic violence/rape crisis program without a dedicated staff for campus advocacy. Should I attend these meetings?

Although it’s preferred for attendees to be direct service staff or volunteers from campuses or community organizations, we understand that this isn’t always an option for smaller campuses and organizations. If you have any questions about attending, please contact one of the OCCAP facilitators, Elle Fullenkamp (efullenkamp@oaesv.org) or Glenn A Harris (mailt).

How often are OCCAP meetings held?

Meetings are held quarterly on the third Tuesday from 10 AM to 11:30 AM.

What should I expect from these meetings?

Meetings are divided into two sections: The first hour is focused on training and education on topics that are important to the group. The last 30 minutes are dedicated to conversation and networking with fellow campus advocates and preventionists to share common experiences, overcome challenges, and collaborate to improve services across Ohio.

How can I register to attend these meetings?

You can register by contacting either of the facilitators, Elle Fullenkamp (efullenkamp@oaesv.org) or Glenn A Harris (glennh@odvn.org). They will share the registration link. Registration is required to attend meetings.

Get in touch. Get involved.

174 E Long Street #200 Columbus, OH 43215



For emergency assistance, use the "Get Help Now" button below for the number to your local domestic violence agency.